Job offer: graphic designer


As a graphic designer, you’ll happily create an entire new branding for a popular beverage, layout a print magazine or an awesome ad and come up with a bunch of atypical social posts for a fishy agency. But you’re not too proud to design your future boss’s personal Christmas cards, either.  


Things you can bring to the table:  

  • You have a degree in design and have relevant work experience (or you’re a recent graduate who is really mad about everyone looking for applicants with prior work experience and can convince us you’re actually The One).
  • You’re a Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator wizard. Bonus points if you know After Effects.
  • You love attending creative brainstorms.
  • You are accurate.
  • You are positive and in a good mood – or at least after you've had your morning coffee.
  • Hard deadlines don’t freak you out.


Things we can bring to the table:  

  • A fulltime and indefinite-term contract.
  • A salary according to your experience and talent.
  • Challenging projects for clients from every industry (yes, even a singer-songwriter).
  • A laptop and smartphone.
  • Fun colleagues who also sold their souls to advertising.
  • A personal email signature in the SirFish colours of your choice.
  • An inspiring office space in the city centre.
  • Real coffee, a stocked fridge and a place at the table on vettige vrijdag.

Convince us with the best designed resume we've ever seen, a show-stopping portfolio or an impressive (Photoshop) magic trick. Whatever proves your worth, send it to us through the form below or by post to Raamstraat 13/2.02, 3500 Hasselt. 


Get us hooked! Apply now

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Thanks for your application! 

If it's a match, we'll let you know. 

In any case, we'll save your details in our treasure box and dive them up when we have a desk free for you.