Job offer: project-account manager


We’re looking for a feisty project manager. That person in a group of friends everyone looks at for organizing a trip and whose personal calendar contains more colourful blocks than an XXL box of Legos. As a project manager, you’re a walking Waze app and navigate the entire team, from copywriter to web developer. You take into account (budgetary) obstacles, planning jams and you make sure everyone has enough fuel to get there. The final destination? Smooth rides that stay within budget, deadline and scope.


Things you can bring to the table:

You have a degree in marketing or communication.
You have at least 3 years of relevant experience.
You manage projects from start to finish for different projects and clients.
You brief creatives and suppliers, make project and studio schedules and guard deadlines with your life.
You prepare invoices.
You shower clients with love: in person, on the phone and via email.
You are accurate and structured.
You are positive and in a good mood – well, most of the time.


Things we can bring to the table:

A fulltime and indefinite-term contract.
A salary according to your experience and talent.
Challenging projects for clients from every industry (yes, even a singer-songwriter).
A laptop and smartphone.
Fun colleagues who also sold their souls to advertising.
A personal email signature in the SirFish colours of your choice.
An inspiring office space in the city centre.  
Real coffee, a stocked fridge and a place at the table on vettige vrijdag.


Send your resume and motivation letter by using the form below.


Bonus points if you don't write us how “extremely motivated and eager” you are to join us, but show us instead. Send us a creative application that is so far outside the box it isn’t even sent to our mail box. Get us a contract with Coca-Cola. Attach a selfie with a clownfish. Or a clown and a fish. Whatever. If you don’t use clichés in your application, we won’t ask you where you see yourself in 5 years’ time if we invite you over. Pinky promise.

Get us hooked! Apply now

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Thanks for your application! 

If it's a match, we'll let you know. 

In any case, we'll save your details in our treasure box and dive them up when we have a desk free for you.